Matchmaker / Promoters

In the USFL, the responsibilities of a Matchmaker and Promoter can be held by the same person.  As you excel in the sport, you see more definition between these roles, especially as the size and competitive nature of the league increases.  In general, the Matchmaker is the person who works to pair up athletes for competition.  They are the ones that look at the weight class and strengths of the fighter and work to align them to a competitor that is fairly matched to their skills.  The Promoter is the person or organization who is sponsoring or hosting the event and coordinates all officials to conduct the event within local guidelines.

Promoter / Matchmaker Training Information

  • Don’t forget to register for a USFL Officials License (No need if already a coach) USE THIS LINK FOR SPORTSENGINE 
  • ONLINE MATCHMAKER/ PROMOTER TRAINING   (Use access code – USFL)  Click through on logical answers
  • This training should be completed your first year and “every other year” when your Background Check and Safety Training is not required.
  • For more detailed information on roles and duties please review the Promoter Manual provided in the links below.

Documents for Download

For the Promoter/ Matchmaker manual and required forms and documents, please go to the Document Library and download everything you need for your event.